Be an Interviewer
Thank you for your interest in becoming an alumni interviewer for Harvard College. Each year, members of our Schools Committee recruit and evaluate applicants to Harvard College. In the process, they cultivate critical relationships with parents, guidance counselors, other alumni/ae, and the general public. As the competition among colleges for the best students increases, so does our need for your help.
Our goal is to provide a one-on-one interview with each of the dozens of students who apply every year, and it's a monumental task.
Interviews take place during December and January for the most part, and each interview takes one to two hours, comprising an hour with the candidate and the rest of the time to fill out the interview information.
If you are interested in being an interviewer, we invite you to contact the head of our Schools Committee, Miriam Kaplan, Include your name, school, class year, address, home and work phone numbers, and she will get in touch with you.